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Wisconsin Technology Network presents symposium on saving lives by the use of Information Technology
Wisconsin Technology Network presents symposium on saving lives by the use of Information Technology
By WTN News • 06/18/04
Conference in conjunction with UW health will address how IT can be leveraged to improve patient safety and quality healthcare. Wisconsin leaders and companies lead the nation in this effort. MADISON - The Institute of Medicine estimates that information errors or a lack of data lead to as many as 100,000 deaths each year. With this startling figure in mind, the Wisconsin Technology Network will host their 2nd Annual Digital Healthcare Conference June 22-23 at the Fluno Center in Madison, WI.
The conference topic: Leveraging IT to Improve Patient Safety and Quality Healthcare will stimulate discussions on how information technology can be better leveraged to improve quality, patient safety and reduce costs. The conference is being produced in conjunction with UW Health, The UW-Madison Medical School, College of Engineering and School of Nursing.
Although the technology exists, organizations struggle transitioning their error prone paper-based systems to safer and more efficient digital ones. Attendees of the conference will explore different methods and systems that will harness the potential of healthcare information technology for the benefit of all patients.
With educational sessions, and networking opportunities, the conference will bring together executive-level professionals from the IT and Healthcare Industries. Leaders in the fields of healthcare delivery, information technology, and law will be presenters at the conference and include: Dr. Jeffrey Grossman, Dr. William A. Yasnoff, Wisconsin Insurance Commissioner Jorge Gomez, Kathleen Heuer, Dennis Dassenko, Thomas R. Hefty, and more.
The Conference: After a welcome note from Madison Mayor Dave Cieslewicz,
Jeffrey Grossman, MD, CEO of UW Medical Foundation, will discuss his vision for the future information needs of healthcare providers. In the session 21st Century Healthcare - Hardwiring the Gap Between What We Know and What We Do attendees will be able to gain a better understanding of a 21st century system of electronic healthcare and privacy and patient safety issues that follow.
Dennis Dassenko, Vice President and Chief Information Officer for the University of Wisconsin Hospital & Clinics, and
Lisa Risberg, Information Security Officer of UW Hospital & Clinics, will present Is Clinical IT Privacy and Security at Odds with Delivering Care? During this second session attendees will get a chance to hear the challenges of balancing privacy and security with the nature of clinical workflow.
William A. Yasnoff, MD, PhD, FACMI, Sr Advisor, National Health Information Infrastructure and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, will discuss Keynote: National Health Information Infrastructure: Key to the Future of Health Care. Attendees will get a chance to understand what the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is doing to promote and encourage NHII implementation, and explore its key roles and benefits.
Barry P. Chaiken, MD, MPH, Chief Medical Officer of ABQAURP/PSOS and
James Prekop, President and Director of TeraMEDICA, Inc. will discuss Keynote: Quality Initiatives: Using Clinical IT to Directly Impact Care. During this session the presenters will focus on various approaches that leverage IT within processes to maximize beneficial outcomes such as enhancing processes and delivering quality patient care.
Kathleen Heuer, Deputy Assistant Secretary Budget for the Technology and Finance U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services will present Keynote: Collaboration: Building a Federal Health Architecture. Kathleen will explain FHA methodology and priorities, and how collaboration with local, state and federal governments will benefit the development of an architecture for the Federal Health Line.
Jorge Gomez, Commissioner for the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance,
Thomas R Hefty, from Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c. Co-chairman of Governors Economic Growth Council, and Former Chairman and CEO of Cobalt Corporation, and
Robyn Shapiro, Partner & Director of Health Care Practice Group, Michael Best & Friedrich, LLP, Ursula Von der Ruhr Professor of Bioethics of the Medical College of Wisconsin and Director of the Center for the Study of Bioethics will discuss Can Patient Safety Initiatives Succeed Without Tort Reform? During this session attendees will explore the barriers effecting the potential impact of IT on patient safety and the legal restructuring needed to overcome them.
Paul Smith, MD, from the UW Medical Foundation, and
Pascale Carayon, PhD, Professor of Industrial Engineering and Director of the Center for Quality and Productivity Improvement (CQPI) at the UW-Madison, will present Human Factors Engineering and Information Technology: Designing for Patient Safety. The presenters will discuss the methods and tools that can facilitate the implementation of information technology in healthcare and how attention to human factors engineering enhances this implementation.
As a conference rap-up,
Rodney C. Dykehouse, CIO of Froedtert Hospital,
Donna K. Sollenberger, President and CEO of the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, and
Carl GM Weigle, MD, Medical Director of IS Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, will discuss Is Widespread Clinician Adoption of IT Possible? This panel discussion will explore the obstacles, risks and responsibilities of effectively implementing clinical information systems.
The conference is open to the public. For more information about the Digital Healthcare Conference or to register to attend, visit
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